Distracted By Your Glasses

Random Memories of Sixty plus years of undiagnosed ADHD

  • Mind Prison

    Mind Prison

    It’s strange to say the least to discover that everything you ever thought about yourself and how you viewed yourself has all been well, quit frankly, utter bollocks. Like Frankenstein’s monster you suddenly find yourself existing, and you can’t work out what the hell is going on. Finding out about my ADHD has been baffling,…

  • Hanging My Hat

    Hanging My Hat

    Recently, in a moment of idle curiosity (of which I have many) I worked out that, in my time on this planet, I have lived in 22 houses as a permanent address, or you could say home. I am now approaching sixty so that makes it an average of 2.73 years lived in each house.…

  • Ah Haaa!

    Ah Haaa!

    It’s a rainy morning in early November 2023. Warm for the time of year, but still it’s wet… very wet. Not an ideal time to find yourself homeless, or should I say almost homeless, but that’s the position I found myself in. I wasn’t under a bridge, huddled in a sleeping bag, drunk, stinking and…

  • If I Could Only Just… (Part 2)

    If I Could Only Just… (Part 2)

    It was now December 2019 and a strange virus has broken out in a livestock market in China. COVID had arrived. It was weirdly different for me when the pandemic hit. When, for a lot of people the world seemed to be falling apart, I felt OK, not stressed out at all. In fact it…

  • If I Could Only Just… (Part 1)

    If I Could Only Just… (Part 1)

    For as long as I can remember I’ve always really struggled with the question all kids are asked. “What do want to be when you grow up?” In fact at the tender age of 60 I confess. I STILL don’t really know what I want to be when I grow up. I’ve had many adventures,…

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