Tag: #adhd
Summit Fever
It’s summer. I don’t remember when exactly, but sometime in the nineties. I’m at Heathrow Airport. I’m hot, sweating and out of breath. It’s not the weather, I’ve just had a mad dash across London. Just made the last call for my flight, but only just. It was a very important one. A well paid…
Wound Tight (Part 2)
And so in the second part of this thrilling mini series we come to my number one official government wind up. The one bureaucracy, that seems to gas light me, provoke me, depress me, and anger me more than any other. The dreaded Department of Work and Pensions. I’ve only had to engage with them…
Wound Tight (Part 1)
I have a ranking system, you know, a league table for how much bureaucracies and official bodies wind me up. How much genuine anxiety I feel when I have to deal with them. Bottom of the table (and this does amaze me, but it’s true) is His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. Yes, the dreaded tax…
Feeling Other
Ever felt that you were different? You know… other. I have for all of my life. How to describe this feeling. Imagine there’s the whole world, and everyone on it, and everything that’s happening on it, but you are not part of it. You are on the outside looking in. Of course you are there…
Abracadabra! Gone!
I’m in the middle of a field in Somerset. It’s June 2019, I’m at Glastonbury Festival and I’ve just received a very very large punch in the stomach and I’m reeling… Well at least that’s what it feels like. I’ve just come off the phone and received perhaps the worst news of my entire life.…
Mind Prison
It’s strange to say the least to discover that everything you ever thought about yourself and how you viewed yourself has all been well, quit frankly, utter bollocks. Like Frankenstein’s monster you suddenly find yourself existing, and you can’t work out what the hell is going on. Finding out about my ADHD has been baffling,…
Hanging My Hat
Recently, in a moment of idle curiosity (of which I have many) I worked out that, in my time on this planet, I have lived in 22 houses as a permanent address, or you could say home. I am now approaching sixty so that makes it an average of 2.73 years lived in each house.…